I added the following to the functions.php file in the child theme and uploaded it via FTP.
// register the new setting for the new social media icon
// replace the word reddit below with the name of the social media icon you want to use
add_action( ‘customize_register’, ‘odw_customize_register’ );
function odw_customize_register( $customizer )
$customizer->add_setting( ‘fl-social-reddit’, array(
‘default’ => ‘’
) );
new WP_Customize_Control( $customizer, 'fl-social-reddit', array(
'label' => 'Reddit',
'section' => 'fl-social-links'
) )
// add our new social media icon into the list of icons output by the Beaver Builder Theme
// in our example we are using Reddit as the social media icon to be added so we add the word reddit below
add_filter( ‘fl_social_icons’, ‘odw_social_icons’ );
function odw_social_icons( $icons ) {
$icons = array(
return $icons;
I added the following to customize theme/additional css:
/* Add the below CSS to ouput the Reddit icon
- Replace the word Reddit with your email social media icon
- replace the unicode f281 with the unicode for your social media icon from Font Awesome */
.fl-social-icons .fl-icon-reddit{font-family: FontAwesome; font-size: 17px;}
.fl-icon-reddit-circle:before { content: ‘\f281’; }
.fl-icon-reddit-regular:before { content: ‘\f281’; }
.fl-icon-reddit.fl-icon-color-branded { color: #FF5700; }
.fl-icon-reddit.fl-icon-color-branded:hover { color: #FF5700; }
I cleared the cached and it worked for me!
I don’t like to alter source code if I can help it, but this is what worked.
These are a couple of links that helped me figure it out.
reddit orange #FF5700 International Orange