How to change the menu on scroll?


We are in the process of re-building the whole Website. So, in our dev environment it’s with beaver builder. What you will see in the following link is in production environment (= Elementor).

There are 3 menus:

1 - The top menu, non-sticky, with the logo + “careers area” etc.
2 - The menu just under, all blue, with “IT maintenance”, “Transformation” etc.

And when you scroll down, the menu (2) disappears and there’s a new menu instead, a menu sticky: there’s a small logo, and there’s the button “ask for a quote” added (so it’s different from the menu (2)).

Thus you have 3 menus, and you only see either (2) or (3) when you scroll, but never both at the same time.

How to handle this in Beaver Themer?