How to convert a website Agency license to a Starter license

I am working to update our Beaver Builder license (which had expired), and I am getting this error: “Updates for Beaver Builder will not work as you appear to have Beaver Builder Plugin (Agency Version) activated but it is not in your available downloads.” after I activated a Starter license key. I am unclear on how to resolve this so the Builder can update correctly.

To clarify, the main BB plugin will not update, though other BB plugins did update. “An error occurred while updating Beaver Builder Plugin (Agency Version): Update package not available.” Even though I have a Starter license key entered.

I am hesitant to uninstall and reinstall BB, as I don’t want to break the site/lose data. Is there a way to convert/transition from Agency to Starter?

This is the only way to do it. The starter license cannot update the agency version. In later versions the license page will let you upgrade and downgrade, but your version predates this change by a few years.

Okay thanks. I downloaded the plugin from my BB account, and uploaded the plugin as a zip to Wordpress. I did see the ‘replace’ option there. Thanks for your time and help!

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