How to increase line height of slider text?

Thanks again for this awesome plugin!
Here is our issue:
We have a content slider on the homepage
We increased the font size of the slider text but there is no way to increase the line-height so the text looks extremely cramped.
I tried to use the inspector and css to increase the line height but I can’t find where to put the code so that it increases the line height of all slider text.
Please help!
Also I think that if you have an option to increase font size, you need an option to increase line height, or lots of people are going to have our problem.

Hey Naomi,

Thanks for kind the words, we really appreciate it! I tried checking your site but all I get is the under construction page. Is there any way around that?


[Content Hidden]

Hi Naomi,

Thank you for providing access to your site.

Did you increase the slider text using the built-in WYSIWYG by highlighting your text and change the size via the font sizes option? As this may be a bug, which I have reported.

To resolve your issue at the moment you can use the following CSS.

.fl-content-slider .fl-slide-text p > span {
    line-height: 1.4;

You may want to play around with the value to get your desired style.


I used that code and it fixed the problem.
Yes - I used the wysiwyg and yes I think it’s a bug because obviously line height should increase with font size.
Thanks so much for your responsiveness and support

Hi Naomi,

Happy to hear the CSS resolved your issue and thanks for informing us. We appreciate it.
