I can't edit any Site Origin widgets from the Beaver Builder Editor

"Good day, greetings everyone. I am using Astra Theme with Beaver Builder Lite and the Site Origin widget plugin. Since the last update, I’ve been encountering an issue when using Site Origin widgets. The problem is:

When I add any Site Origin module, such as Accordion, Button, or any other, from the Beaver Builder Live Editor, and I input content into the editing field and save it, nothing appears on the frontend. When I go back to edit the content of any module, there’s nothing there; everything is erased, there’s no text at all.

What’s good to mention is that every Site Origin module works perfectly fine in the WordPress editor. It’s edited normally, saved normally, and everything is absolutely normal. Therefore, I assume the issue lies with the Beaver Builder Lite plugin.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue, and can you assist me with advice or direct me on how to contact Beaver Builder support?

Thank you in advance.