Image Compression


It’s a small one. Been working on speeding up a client site and have but in Beaver Builder which I and they LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Anyhow, Google Insights highlighted this:

Losslessly compressing …/bb-plugin/img/bxslider/controls.png could save 1.3KiB (47% reduction).

I thought I would flag it up as in page speed every little helps, and it might be worth updating you guys on it, as if there are any other images that output that could use some compression that would rock.



Hey Lee,

You’re right, that is really small. :slight_smile: We’ll take a look, but I believe the bxslider library is at fault there. We’ll see what we can do!


Hey Lee,

Yea, this is a pretty minute micro optimization that we’ve noted for future dev. I can’t say how high priority that will be, but we will certainly see what we can do!


I know right!? Felt an idiot mentioning it but clients can be devilishly picky :wink:
