Image width bug

Hey guys, there seems to be an issue with “photos” added within Page Builder. When the screen shrinks the image is distorted.

Hey Mike,

I haven’t tested this but I’m thinking we’re using width: 100% instead of max-width:100% at the responsive breakpoint. I’ve added this to our bug list.


Hey Mike,

Are you seeing this behavior with the photo module or another?


[Content Hidden]

Hey Mike,

It looks like you might have a plugin that is adding the width/height attribute via JavaScript to the img tags which is messing up the responsiveness. A quick fix would be to add this CSS…

.fl-photo-content img {
    height: auto !important;
    width: auto !important;

I’ll add that CSS to the next update to account for this case.


Hey Mike,

This has been fixed in 1.2.9.
