Images on my home page arent showing up

I don’t know why my images aren’t showing up on my website.

Can anyone help? It’s been like this for a week now.

Hi Kathryn!

Something happened to cause the images SRC on your home page to change. Below are two links to the same image from different pages.

<img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="fl-photo-img wp-image-7018 size-full lazyload" src="" data-src="" alt="Website popup (2)" itemprop="image" height="1080" width="1080" title="Website popup (2)">
(Notice the src="data:image…) That’s the error

<img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" class="fl-photo-img wp-image-7018 size-full lazyloaded" src="" data-src="" alt="Website popup (2)" itemprop="image" height="1080" width="1080" title="Website popup (2)">
In this one, the src=“”. This one works.

I have no idea what caused the change with your home page, but I suggest re-uploading the images. Delete and re-add the image modules, if necessary.

Hope this helps!strong text

PS: Another thought is that Lazy Loading images on your home page is not working correctly. I don’t know why that would only occur on the home page, but it’s something you can look into. Maybe another community member has better information. :slight_smile: