Is it possible to disable BB's cached layout CSS (and bundle)?

An odd request, but I have been experimenting with my own “mobile first” CSS grid page layout and it’s getting in the way.

For now I have removed from one page based on the ID, but is there a way to do it globally?

Add an action to wp_enqueue_scripts handle and make it really late, then pull in the $wp_scripts global and loop through looking for ther IDs with a regex or something, then you can dequeue them

Thanks again (as always) Simon for this quick response.

I think I grasp the theory, but I’ve no clue how to implement it.

But since this post, I found I could overwrite the keys issues with this CSS:

float: none;

.fl-row:before, .fl-row:after, .fl-row-content:before, .fl-row-content:after, .fl-col-group:before, .fl-col-group:after, .fl-col:before, .fl-col:after, .fl-module:before, .fl-module:after, .fl-module-content:before, .fl-module-content:after {
display: none;

It seems to do the job.