jQuery Migrate

Hi Guys
I have read a few posts which suggest you can remove jQuery Migrate if you don’t use plugins which only work with older versions of jQuery. It would be good to lose that extra file if possible.

Do you know if it is required for Beaver Builder? Are there any modules which won’t work without it?

Many thanks

Hey Neil,

Just letting you know I’m checking in with the team on this one.



Thanks KC!

Hey Neil,

We aren’t using any functions from old jQuery versions but it’s possible that some of the 3rd party libraries we’re using are. I guess the only way to know for sure it to leave the jQuery.migrate file out and check. :slight_smile: Or you could just leave it there too! :slight_smile:


Trial and error it is then, thanks Ben!
I may keep a test install without jQuery-migrate and I’ll check any BB modules before I use them.


No worries! Enjoy! :slight_smile:
