Limit revisions


Is there a way to limit the number of revisions saved by Beaver Builder?

I’ve limited the number of revisions stored by Wordpress using
define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5);

Is there something similar I can do with Beaver Builder to only save a set number of revision entries?


Beaver Builder saves a post revision when you publish so limiting the post revisions will limit those.

Thanks, but when I add the line to my config file it doesnt seem to affect the beaver builder revisions… should it?

What do you mean by affect what did you add and what are you experiencing?

Hi @pross

I’ve added
define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3);
to my wp-config.php file and it doesn’t seem to do anything. It does NOT limit the number of revisions saved.

Is there a particular place to put it in the wp-config.php file?
I’ve tried both at the top, and also just before the That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing.

Maybe you are adding it to the wrong config file?

If you have limited it to 3, the next time you edit a post WP will trim any excess revisions on that post, they do not magically disappear from all posts.

I know they don’t clear down from existing revisisons, I clear those down with wp-optimize.

As far as I’m aware, theres only the one main wp-config.php file in the root folder.

Is there somewhere else I should be adding it?

Just to check, does WP_POST_REVISIONS affect templates built via Beaver Builder > Templates?

Yes it will affect all post types.