Looking for some custom code help

Hello folks. I had some custom functions.php code done awhile back to display an ACF field as the excerpt in my PowerPack grid. At the time it was a straight field and easy to render by pasting a shortcode into the custom content area.

Since then though, I’ve reworked the site using flexible fields and repeaters, and I’m not sure how to call the specific ACF field.

I tried the documented code layout on BB’s site, but I don’t think this is the way to get that data from my function’s PHP. Any help would be appreciated.

Functions.php code
add_shortcode( ‘meh’, function( $atts ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
‘length’ => ‘26’,
‘name’ => ‘’,
), $atts, ‘meh’ );
$shortcode = sprintf( ‘[wpbb post:acf name="%s"]’, $atts[‘name’] );
return wp_trim_words( do_shortcode( $shortcode), $atts[‘length’] );

Old shortcode to display (when it was just in a group)
[meh name=‘exhibit_contributor_paragraph’]

What I thought would work…but really wouldn’t. I’m not sure if the change has to be on the PHP side or not.

[wpbb-acf-flex name=‘artsflexible’]
[wpbb-acf-layout name=‘textblock’]
[wpbb-acf-repeater name=‘title_and_pargraph’]

[wpbb post:acf type=‘wysiwyg’ meh name=‘paragraph’]
