Make Background Image 80% transparent

Hi all. I am new to BB and trying to create some backgrounds that would be visible on the entire web page, but have it only be 20% visible under rows with text boxes or photos.

I know how to make an image’s background transparent, and how to make it tile inside the background. But when the page loads the image is fully visible and obscures the text in the text module so as it is almost illegible.

I am not an expert in CSS and do not know where to enter it or how.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Hey @parodytx ,
try this:

img {
  opacity: 0.5;

Hi Jackson.

Thanks for the response.

Where does this snippet go? If I was not clear, I don’t want all images in all rows or containers to be semi-transparent, only a background image in a specific row (body) that would repeat and be about 20% visible.

In the Customize menu, there is an “Additional CSS” tab, but wouldn’t this apply to the entire site for every image?


If you want to apply on entire site so make all the images in one class and add this CSS code on that class