Mobile parallax issue

Can anyone help me with a parallax issue on mobile?

My site looks great on desktop and ipad, but on iphone, the parallax image scales, and cuts off the main content.

I tried using a different image size, but when I do that it looks fantastic on mobile, but awful on desktop and ipad.

Trying to get the image to move over a few inches on mobile, if thats possible.

Thanks for any help.

site is and the parallax is the hoodie figure that I’d like to have shown in mobile.

Same issue… I have opened a ticket on March and that was the answer I got:

We are aware of this issue with iPad OS and Safari. We’re hoping to have a fix soon.

Since nothing happened after so many months, I decided to remove the parallax effect.

This issue has a fix in 2.4 where we disabled parallax on iPadOS Safari since it does not render properly.

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Can I disable it on iPhone as well?

I am also struggling. My client really wants parallax on mobile. I understand that parallax is disabled on all mobile devices, correct? How can I manually enable it? What Js or CSS settings can I change to enable it?

Is there any update on this?

I’ve just built out an entire site using parallax (reluctantly!) only to discover parallax bgs don’t work on mobile.

Is there any way to enable on mobile?

Hi Any update on this? or is it still not working? can it work with code?