Multiple Authors plugin or options

I have been working with the BB theme along with the UABB and BB plugin. I can’t seem to find any options to post multiple author bios on a singular post template.

  1. is there a way to accomplish multiple author bio boxes on a single post using beaver builder?
  2. If not, suggestions on plugins or options to achieve a nice looking author bio box along with co-authors, either in grid or list form.


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I have the same question! Found some easy plugins to give the multiple plugin option, but can’t find a good way to call the 2nd author’s name and info into my Beaver Themer templates

Well multiple authors are not part of wordpress core, it depends on the tool you used to add this functionality…

I experimented with a few options – simplest was this one:

some others seemed to create an “Authors” custom post type which felt further away from what I was trying to accomplish.

This i the first time I’ve had a client request the feature, but I’ve definitely seen a trend of multiple authors + author boxes on blogs increase so it would be very cool to find a way to loop this in to the power of beaver themer!

As a pods user I would do it the following way:

for help with pods -

I’m trying to figure this out too. If you just want author bio boxes, it seems that the plugin PublishPress Authors will do what you want quite easily: install the plugin, then assign multiple authors to one or more posts. Multiple author bio boxes will appear at the end of the post (or the are options for displaying in other locations).

While this works well, the plugin will not replace the post info at the top of the page (displayed by Beaver Builder post module, if enabled) without some custom theme coding. But if you can do without using the post info to display the author, then this will work fine.