Multiple H1 tags

I don’t know if I am missing something, but on a specific page, it shows multiple H1 tags in my Serpstat report. It is because one is set for Desktop, and one for mobile and tablet. I would have assumed this is not going to be an issue as it’s a feature of BB to display a module at a specific screen resolution or not. How do I go about it please?


There is no issue using multiple h1 tags on the page. If the report is stating otherwise, I would contact their support and ask them why they are saying it is. :slight_smile:

Hi Danny, sorry I don’t think I understand your reply. There definitely is a problem with multiple H1 tags from a SEO perspective. There is no doubt about that. I thought the second H1 tag would be hidden from bots on a certain screen resolution otherwise they will see two of them?


In HTML5 there is no issue from an SEO perspective for using multiple H1 tags on a page.

Using several H1 tags on one page is fine as long as they are well structured and within the HTML5 standards.

It all depends on how you want the page to rank, what you are going for, the content.