New to BB and having some difficulties

Hi. I have been using Elementor Pro to create a website, but the lack of support for Dynamic content for the HTML widget made me decide to give BB a try. I got BB Pro and BB Themer. Installed the BB Theme the BB Child Theme as instructed by the BB docs, activated the Child Theme, and clicked Customize. Tried to customize the layout, and specifically the header, but nothing happens. For example, I tried to add a top bar, but nothing happens. Tried to customize the header, but nothing appears. Am I missing something?


If you use the options via the WordPress Customizer to enable the top bar via WordPress Customizer > Header > Top Bar then it should display.

If it doesn’t, can you send us a support ticket and our team can look into further.

Thank you. Did try that option before posting my question, but it didn’t work. I have decided to disable BB and continue with Elementor for now. Will try to set up a clean Wordpress installation and install BB and see if I can get BB to work as it’s supposed to.