Post Carrousel module - layout & content tab suggestions

Dear support team,

I’ve got two suggestions for the Post Carrousel module.

1st suggestion - Post Carrousel settings > Layout tab > content area
The content dropdown has two options, show and hide. Would it be possible to include the excerpt and change this to three options, something like the options below ?

  • show post content
  • show excerpt
  • hide

2nd suggestion - Post Carrousel settings > Content tab > filter area
Would it be possible to add a dropdown with the following options?

  • show all posts
  • hide sticky posts
  • show only sticky posts

Let me know if you can consider above suggestions? If you do I’ll add them to your uservoice page.

Hey Twan,

We implement suggestions based on either the number of votes it has, or if we see the need to implement it. Even if it only has 1 vote, but we think it’s necessary to add it, we will implement it. :slight_smile: Feel free to add yours to the User Voice and we’ll see how it goes. :slight_smile:

If you have a solid understanding of PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, you can override the Post Carousel module to fit your needs. You can check the KB article below for more info. :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!


Hey Ben,

Thanks for the reply, I’ll create an idea on the uservoice page.

Don’t have the time to try and create/override modules, will have to try eventually but for now I can work with the plugin & theme as it is.

Kind regards, Twan

Awesome! And thanks for putting it up, Twan. :slight_smile:

Have fun with BB!
