Posts Module Issue

I have a post module in a row that worked fine but for some reason some of the posts are lining up out of order.

I have tried changing the order to ID in case there was a ‘date’ issue but to no avail.

I’ll add access details below.



[Content Hidden]

Hey Dave,

The login doesn’t work. I did check the homepage of your site nonetheless. Our Posts grid currently uses a masonry layout so it doesn’t equalize the height of each post. It’s working as intended on your site. If you noticed, some of the titles are in 2 rows while others aren’t. One excerpt is about 45 chars long(probably a custom excerpt) but the others are 55(default length, WP generated excerpts). These cause some of the posts to be taller than others. You can try using the CSS snippet below to even them out.

.fl-post-grid-post.masonry-brick {
  min-height: 450px;


Worked a trick. Perfect. Thanks @bencarlo


No worries! Have fun with BB! :slight_smile:
