Posts module w/ multiple ACF Relationship fields

Already asked on WPorg, but maybe there is someone here that could help…

How can we add multiple ACF relationship fields to the Posts Content Source?

Is the a specific syntax for operators or something as comma doesn’t seem to work.

For example: you want to pull in actors, directors and producers relationships into the same module for a movie and have them all come in as a single module section, instead of having the add one module for each relation and having layout dramas.

See how great it works with the multiple ‘Post Type’ picker under Custom Query source. At the moment ACF Relationship only give a single line field for a ‘Key’. Surely there must be a way to pass more that one key in source?


No it does not support that, you’d need to modify the query args from the module before they are passed to WP_Query via fl_builder_loop_query_args filter.