Prevent logo resizing

I am using a photo module in Themer for my logo.
I don’t want it to resize when the browser gets smaller. I want it to behave like the Beaver Builder logo here on the site. How do I do that?
Thank you

you can define the column with % for each responsive breakpoint e.g

so that it has always enough room!

Thank you for your answer.
I don’t want to prevent stacking, I want my logo to stay the same size.
Right now it resizes with the browser. I want to prevent auto-adjustment of height.
Just like the beaverbuilder logo on the Beaverbuilder site.

As @Tapir says, this doesn’t really answer the question. The logo on this website does not change in size at all when you reize the screen. Using the method provided by @Quasel’s link does not produce the same result. Rather, when the screen is resized the logo gets smaller until the break point is reached. The question of how can one force the logo to remain a fixed size UNTIL the breakpoint is reached remains unanswered.


Any update on this? Reducing logo size looks silly.