Problem with html

The Problem is that when I put the html below into the "html Module The page freezes and never completes.I have also sent this to Jun on a ticket on 2 occasions but for some reason or other he never receives the code.

Hi Jun,
Sorry I thought I had put a copy of the code on the email here it is below.

<base target="_self">
Click Here</font></td>

Hey David,

Thanks! We see the code now and I think I already responded to you from hello [at] wpbeaverbuilder [dot] com. Let’s continue the conversation there if that’s fine with you.


I still have the same problem you have not given me an answer please tell me how to get this code to work in Beaver.


Hey David,

I responded to you via email but in case you missed it, the content of this entire code is actually just an anchor tag so you can get rid of everything else and it should look like this.

<a target="_self" href="" rel="nofollow">Click Here</a>

Use that instead of the one you were initially trying to use, that one won’t work. It breaks the DOM because of the redundant HTML, HEAD, and BODY tags.
