Published Changes Aren't Saving

Hi, I have a BB agency version installed on a WP Multisite that’s working well for 6 months, but now any changes I publish don’t get saved, both for me and all of my subsite users. They seem to be saved as draft since they’re present when editing, but aren’t present on the front-end when publishing. I’ve went through the other threads, namely:

  • Cleared Cache
  • Disabled Caching plugins
  • Updated to the latest version.
  • Made sure the SSL certificate is present.

Nothing seems to help. Any idea?
Site and page to test:
Email: [email protected]
Password: Txpepuyt27

Looking on WP admin it looks the page wasn’t even published today:


I am having the same problem. I will change settings in builder, and it changes in ?fl_builder mode, but then when you hit publish, it does not save to the life page. When you enter back into beaver builder, the content is reverted to what it was before.