Remove Gaagle Font Call

How does one remove the BB Theme call to the Gaagle Fonts - in the <head> section of every page?


Hey Northumbrian,

I’ve already assigned another member of the team to assist you with your concern.


Tx. Ben. Appreciate it. You’re in early today?

Beaver Builde Support Hours


Hi Northumbrian! You can remove the Google fonts by selecting a different font in the theme customizer. You’ll need to select a font both for general text and for headings. You can find those settings here in the customizer:

General > Headings
General > Text

One note, if you’re logged in you’ll still see Open Sans being loaded. Open Sans is used for the WordPress admin UI. It won’t show up to your visitors or if you’re logged out.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Re: Hope that helps!

“…One note, if you’re logged in you’ll still see Open Sans being loaded…”

That bit really helped. Thanks!