Remove or translate "Search Results: " on archive results page?


When I make a Themer Layout archive page for the search results, I would like to make the title with the search tag on top of the page. This is working fine with the shortcode “[wpbb archive:title]”. But on the front-end is also visible the text: "Search Results: ".
I would like to change, translate or remove this text.

Is there a why to realise this?
Thanks in advance,

Can someone help me with this Beaver Themer issue?
Or tell me maybe where to ask for this?


Never did the Search Page but that should be default wordpress behaviour

if that doesn’t help contact BB support

Thank You Quasel.

I don’t know how to use this filter to change the text "Search Results: ".
I’ll try the Beaver Builder support instead. Thanks for helping :wink:

you can translate ANY string with gettext

Example here: Customize the Posts Archive pagination text in BB Theme

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