Row margins not working with slideshow background, version 1.6.0

It does not appear that custom row margins are recognized if the background is set as a slideshow with version 1.6.0 of the plugin. I verified this by reverting to an older version of the plugin. All third-party plugins remained the same prior to the issue occurring as afterwards.

It is very easy to see this when setting a row to a negative margin as I was attempting to do. However, it is noticeable even with positive margins. You can also see the issue in the page builder, as when you hover your mouse over the row, the margins are enforced. Moving the mouse away from the row reverts the margins to the defaults.

The problem does not occur when using a photo as a background.

I assume this problem was introduced when the “Fixed a bug with row borders showing when none are set and the background is a slideshow” issue was being worked on.


Sure enough, I was able to recreate this! Thanks for letting us know, Marcel. We’ll issue a bug report and should be able to include a fix in our next release which should be sometime during the week of July 6th. Thanks again.
