Royal Slider Disappears when Page Builder enabled

Dear Support,

When we enable the Page Builder (Beaver Builder) for pages on one of our sites, on all pages that we enable it for, it causes the slider to go Blank. We’re using the Royal Slider plugin and it’s using shortcode added via one of the footer Widgets. The site is running on Genesis Framework.

The same issue occurs regardless of browser.
Here’s an example page where it occurs:
(see bottom of page)

You can compare this with the homepage that does not use the page builder which exists here:

Please kindly advise.



Hi John,

That sounds like it could be a conflict with either the way the Royal Slider plugin works or the way your theme pulls it in via a widget area. May I suggest using Royal Slider’s shortcode in a BB HTML module instead as then you could build out your entire layout using BB? BTW - we also have a testimonials module you want to try as well if you aren’t married to Royal Slider. :slight_smile:


Hi Billy,

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, neither of those options are ideal for our situation.
We’re exploring other options.

