Scroller Frame Height


We are looking for a way to manually set the height of the scroller page panels, some of the imagery we want to use does not fit into the standard height. Where can we do that?


Hi David,

The height of the Scroller panels isn’t dependent on a height setting. You would need to add top and bottom padding to the row background to open up the area for the background image. Hope that helps, but let me know if you need anything further there.


That did the trick! I do have one more question. Is it possible to put a slider into the first frame of the scroller?

Of course, you can drag any module(s) you like into a row regardless if it has a background or not.


That worked as well, this is really a very versatile theme! How about frame anchors? Can anchors be placed in each frame and the navigation just go to the corresponding frame. Where would the anchors be placed to accomplish this?


Hey David,

We just added the ability to have ID’s on rows, columns and modules so you could link to any element essentially. You can find that ID field in the advanced tab of any settings panel. Hope that helps!
