Search Feature doesn't work

I’ve created all my pages in Beaver builder, however my WordPress search feature won’t find anything. I just get empty results. Is there something I need to add to my search.php to see all the beaver builder pages and content? - to see what I am talking about

I’m really frustrated!


<?php get_header(); ?>
<div class="archive-box">
	<div class="container">
		<span><?php _e( 'Search results for', 'solopine' ); ?></span>
		<h1><?php printf( __( '%s', 'solopine' ), get_search_query() ); ?></h1>

<div class="container">
	<div id="content">
		<div id="main" <?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_sidebar_archive') == true) : ?>class="fullwidth"<?php endif; ?>>
			<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'grid' || get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_grid') : ?><ul class="sp-grid"><?php endif; ?>
			<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
				<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'grid') : ?>
					<?php get_template_part('content', 'grid'); ?>
				<?php elseif(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'list') : ?>
					<?php get_template_part('content', 'list'); ?>
				<?php elseif(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_list') : ?>
					<?php if( $wp_query->current_post == 0 && !is_paged() ) : ?>
						<?php get_template_part('content'); ?>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php get_template_part('content', 'list'); ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<?php elseif(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_grid') : ?>
					<?php if( $wp_query->current_post == 0 && !is_paged() ) : ?>
						<?php get_template_part('content'); ?>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php get_template_part('content', 'grid'); ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<?php else : ?>
					<?php get_template_part('content');('category') ?>
				<?php endif; ?>	
			<?php endwhile; ?>
			<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'grid' || get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_grid') : ?></ul><?php endif; ?>
				<?php solopine_pagination(); ?>
			<?php else : ?>
				<?php get_template_part('content', 'none'); ?>
			<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_sidebar_archive')) : else : ?><?php get_sidebar(); ?><?php endif; ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>

It’s finding posts but the title and such is empty. You’ll want to revisit your code.

I am no PHP expert, I’ve tried a bunch of different things. Can someone assist with my search.php file?
I can’t get any search results to work!

<?php get_header(); ?>
	<div class="archive-box">
		<div class="container">
			<span><?php _e( 'Search results for', 'solopine' ); ?></span>
			<h1><?php printf( __( '%s', 'solopine' ), get_search_query() ); ?></h1>
	<div class="container">
		<div id="content">
			<div id="main" <?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_sidebar_archive') == true) : ?>class="fullwidth"<?php endif; ?>>
				<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'grid' || get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_grid') : ?><ul class="sp-grid"><?php endif; ?>
				<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
					<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'grid') : ?>
						<?php get_template_part('content', 'grid'); ?>
					<?php elseif(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'list') : ?>
						<?php get_template_part('content', 'list'); ?>
					<?php elseif(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_list') : ?>
						<?php if( $wp_query->current_post == 0 && !is_paged() ) : ?>
							<?php get_template_part('content'); ?>
						<?php else : ?>
							<?php get_template_part('content', 'list'); ?>
						<?php endif; ?>
					<?php elseif(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_grid') : ?>
						<?php if( $wp_query->current_post == 0 && !is_paged() ) : ?>
							<?php get_template_part('content'); ?>
						<?php else : ?>
							<?php get_template_part('content', 'grid'); ?>
						<?php endif; ?>
					<?php else : ?>
						<?php get_template_part('content');('category') ?>
					<?php endif; ?>	
				<?php endwhile; ?>
				<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'grid' || get_theme_mod('sp_archive_layout') == 'full_grid') : ?></ul><?php endif; ?>
					<?php solopine_pagination(); ?>
				<?php else : ?>
					<?php get_template_part('content', 'none'); ?>
				<?php endif; ?>

<?php if(get_theme_mod('sp_sidebar_archive')) : else : ?><?php get_sidebar(); ?><?php endif; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>