Shortcode Footer Fix

Hello BB-guys,

On one of our websites where we use this shortcode to enable a global row template as the footer for all pages is not working:

<footer class="fl-page-footer-wrap" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""> <?php

echo do_shortcode( “[fl_builder_insert_layout slug=‘footer’ type=‘fl-builder-template’]” );
echo do_shortcode( “[fl_builder_insert_layout slug=‘footer2’ type=‘fl-builder-template’]” );


There seems to be issue with one of our websites:

The footer that is currently in placed is added manually. If you navigate to a blog post, it is not present (which the above code should solve).

Any solutions?

Hey Elizabeth,

If you’ve added the footer using the Page Builder then you can enable Page Builder on blog posts by going to Settings > Page Builder > Post Types.


We’ve got that already enabled in the settings. We want to use the same footer that is shown on the home page, on ALL pages, including blog posts.

Hi Elizabeth,

Can you check out the topic I have linked below. As the instructions on that topic should help you get your footer on all pages.
