Site is Google Mobile Friendly BB image resources showing as blocked

Hi After testing my newly remade BB site for mobile responsiveness I encountered the following errors:
Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.
How Googlebot sees this page

This page uses 4 resources which are blocked by robots.txt.
When the site was tested before the re-do there were not any files blocked, any suggestions.

Hey Michele,

Unfortunately, that is a bit vague to see what could be blocked. Were there any other details provided? Would you mind sending a link to the site in question?


[Content Hidden]

[Content Hidden]

[Content Hidden]

Here is what I’m getting…
How Googlebot sees this page

This page uses 2 resources which are blocked by robots.txt.

Show resources…_status.js

Hi Bob.

Are you saying that the two links you posted above are the resources being blocked? If so, they’re are part of Beaver Builder. Therefore, you will want to speak to Google.


I believe those are the two resources that Google means are blocked. It doesn’t happen on my other Beaver Builder site, so it may not be a Beaver Builder issue. Is that what your saying?

I just tried the mobile-friendly test again, without getting the “blocked” message, but now I get this instead…

“A temporary error occurred. 2 resources on this page could not be loaded. The results and screenshot may be incorrect. You may want to try again later.”

I’ve made no changes to the site between testing, so the messages seem sporadic. Any insight would be helpful, as I know the client will me ask what’s causing his site to have “errors.”

The error details are……ff?v=4.5.0…tf?v=4.5.0

That’s all it shows. Is v=4.5.0 anything from Beaver Builder?