Slider as on Associates Theme


I’d like to create a slider that follows a similar format to the Associates theme. Could you point me in the right direction for detailed instructions of how to do this please? Just a thought; video tutorials would be much appreciated for this kind of thing>
Thanks, Gerry

Hi Gerry,

Thanks for contacting us and for your purchase! Re. your question, the easiest way to include that slider would be to add that page layout to your page. You can then edit it as you see fit. To do so, enter the page builder on your page and click the ‘Templates’ button in the top right hand corner. If you have a blank page, you can just choose the Associates template and apply that to your page to edit. If you have existing content, you can also choose the Associates template and ‘Append’ it to your layout and move up the slider wherever you like. As it has more content than the slider, just delete whatever you don’t want from that template. Hope that helps and thanks again!
