Social Icons Open in New Window

Is there a setting I’m overlooking to have the social icons open in a new window when clicked?

Hey Dustin,

Are you asking about the social icons in the theme or in the plugin? Let me know and I’ll look into it.


In the BB theme. Thanks for checking.

Thanks, Dustin. I just tested and they should be opening in a new window. Can you send me a link to the site in question?


I’m a bonehead. Operator error, all fixed now. Any plans to allow us to change the social icons, for example, the twitter bird logo rather than the t? Thanks for your help, my bad.

Hey Dustin,

No problem! I’m glad to hear you got it sorted out. There aren’t currently plans for editing the header icons, but you could do that with some CSS. If CSS isn’t your thing, feel free to leave a suggestion in our feedback forum.


Only a few of my clients have asked so not a big deal. I’ll use CSS. Thanks again for your help.