Starting beaverbuilder

Dear beaverbuilder team

In 99% of all cases my clients start beaverbuilder to edit content and not to place new content. That’s why I don’t want the "Add Content Section’ to open when beaverbuilder is started (opening this section by the button ‘Add Content’ is fine).

So my question is: How can I set it as a default, so beaverbuilder does not not start with opening the ‘Add Content Section’?

Thanks for your help
Best -Dominic

Hi Dominic,

That’s interesting feedback and definitely something we’ll take into consideration. We have some things in the works for developers such as yourself and will definitely let you know when we start implementing them!


Hi Billy

Sounds great, I’m looking forward to it! Until then: is there an easy workaround for my “problem”? Some code where I can set “open=yes” to “open=no”?


Hi Dominic,

Thanks for the feedback! There isn’t currently a workaround for this as we would need to implement additional logic and possibly a setting in the admin to make that happen. As far as feature requests go, this probably isn’t going to be a priority over some of the items we are working on right now, but feel free to add your idea to…
