Taxonomy Custom Field Not Displaying

Hi all, I was hoping for some help on an issue I have. I have an ACF custom taxonomy ‘brands’. Inside each brand taxonomy are some custom fields. One of these is a multiselect box which filters from all the other brands. The idea is that, if a brand has changed names or is known by another name I can select another brand name and have this display on the archive page of the discontinued brand. Like “This brand is now known as [replacement_brand_name]”

However beaver themer just wont show anything. I have tried every combo I can think of. I built a collum to display this notice and even have conditional logic that only shows the column IF there is a replacement brand selected, and this works. But the link and text of the replacement just wont show up. Here are some screenshots of what I have.

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Any luck with this?

I’m trying to do something somewhat similar…
I have a ACF taxonomy ‘organization’ that has fields in it like ‘team_logo’
I have cpt called ‘players’ that I can easily show post ACF fields in pp content grid or standard bb post module. But I am unable to get the taxonomy field ‘team_logo’ to show up EXECPT when I’m in a taxonomy archive. I want to be able to show this field when I’m in a single post, or a custom query of ‘players’

No response and no solution found unfortunatley.

I contacted powerpack for help with content grid (a second time) and this time I hit gold…

They created a shortcode that I could use to pull the terms

add_shortcode( 'acf_term_field', function( $atts = array() ) {
	if ( ! isset( $atts['name'] ) ) {
	if ( ! isset( $atts['taxonomy'] ) ) {
	$post_id = get_the_ID();
	$terms   = wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $atts['taxonomy'] );
	if ( is_wp_error( $terms ) || empty( $terms ) ) {
	$output = '';
	foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
		$output .= get_field( $atts['name'], $term );
	return $output;
} );

I used this shortcode and it works :slight_smile:

[acf_term_field name=‘YOURFIELDNAME’ taxonomy=‘YOURTAXONOMY’]

You can adjust it by modifying some CSS code as per your requirements.

You can also use this shortcode to retrieve any other field from the taxonomy. Just provide the field name and taxonomy name.

Thank you for your response. Can you please advise what I need to do with this code? I copy and paste it somewhere I assume but where?

What you do is download free code snippets plugin

Then use the shortcode inside where you want the data

Many thanks. I got it working now. I hadn’t activated the code snippet, silly me. :slight_smile:

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