Thumbnail Links missing a text alternative

WAVE and SiteImprove is flagging my Post Modules feeds with thumbnail image links for not having a Text Alternative. Is there a code workaround to completely defeat setting thumbnails as links in the Post Module?


I’ve tried this jquery, but it does not remove the link.

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(‘.fl-post-feed-image a’).bind(‘click’, false).css(‘cursor’, ‘default’);


Check out the docs on creating a custom layout Posts | Beaver Builder Knowledge Base This image shows where you change change the “linked” option. Once you switch to Custom Layout, you may need to add some css to make the resulting feed look like you want it to.

We’re not using Beaver Themer on this website.

Assuming you have actually added alt text to the images in the WP media settings WP will use that as the alt when it renders the images. Do you have an example page where this is not happening?

You’re right. Some featured images were missing Alt Text and SiteImprove flagged the link.

Thanks for your response.

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