Unable to edit template after downgrade

We have a very simple BB site (thescullery.org.uk) and didn’t use any Ultimate functions so downgraded to Lite last year. However I can’t now edit the Footer - it says “sorry, that page doesn’t seem to exist”. But it’s still there and any new pages still pick up the template. How can I access that for editing?

Go to WP Admin > Settings > Permalinks and simply hit save, then try again.

Thanks, Jamie. I tried that (Permalinks set to the “Plain” default) but still get the same error message. When I click into the Footer it asks “Would you like to navigate away from this page and edit this template?”. I reply OK and get the “Sorry! That page doesn’t seem to exist” message.

Try setting permalinks to something other than plain, like post name.

Thanks for your help again. I tried that but no change. I also notice that if I click Appearance - Customize I just get

but no headings to customize

Do you get that on every page or just the home page when you try to access the Customizer?

Yes, on every page. And the same if I go Appearance - Customize from the dashboard.

Thanks, Mike