Using Beaver Themer with the WP Ultimate Recipe plugin

If you use Beaver Themer to display a singular recipe from the WP Ultimate Recipe plugin, the recipe box may not appear. Add this code (posted at in your child theme’s functions.php to get the recipe box to appear:

function wpurp_recipe_content_loop_check( $ignore_query ) {
  if( is_main_query() ) $ignore_query = false;
	return $ignore_query;
add_filter( 'wpurp_recipe_content_loop_check', 'wpurp_recipe_content_loop_check' );

I found out this snippet was messing with the recipe print template, so I added a condition:

if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/print/") === false){
	add_filter( 'wpurp_recipe_content_loop_check', 'wpurp_recipe_content_loop_check' );