Visual Edit Mode Not Working

Hi all,

I’ve got a strange issue that I’ve been chasing for a few days now.
When I load a page and click on the Beaver Builder button to go to the visual editor, it reloads the page and the BB header appears but none of the elements can be edited.

I’ve tried updating all the plugins, I’ve cleared the cache, I’ve updated WordPress & still can’t figure it out.

Thank you everyone.

Hi Hayden, has the issue still persisted? When those things happen they tend to be cleared up (but not always!) with clearing browser cache as well. Are you using a caching plugin as well?

Hi Robbi,
The issue is still persistent.
I’ve tried it on multiple computers, no caching plugin, the server cache has been cleared and still can’t work it out.

Have you found a resolution yet? I’m having the exact same problem.