Webm videos in background

How do I play webm videos in the background? Also what is the format of the video file that you have used in the background of the agency template? Last question, if I play a video in the background and dont refresh the webpage, does it need constant connection to the internet for it to work?



Hi Sherry,

The ability to add webm videos exists in the row background settings now. We added that in on 10/6/15. Ours is an MP4 in the page template. On your last question, yes, I believe it does, but I could be wrong on that.


Hey Sherry,

I’d just like to chime in here. This is regarding your last question. So what I did, I loaded the Agency template to our dev site and disconnected my internet(disabling the network adapter) and the video still plays. What happens is the browser downloads the video, and plays it on loop. Usually, video backgrounds tend to be short, so the browser should be able to download instantly.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:


Thanks the the info Ben. Some of my clients want to play the video on their phones. they were asking me if they keep on playing the video in the background without refreshing the browser, would it constantly use their data?


Hey Sherry,

Video backgrounds aren’t very well supported on mobile so they won’t play there.
