Woo Notices when having overlay set for the theme header

Hi guys,

The scenario is as follows:
We have a fixed header with a transparent overlay, when on product archive, category archive or single product page a product is added to cart, the woo notice goes under the header. We can use css to move it arounds, but it isn’t very pretty.

I have found the: Move the WooCommerce Notices on the Beaver Themer Singular Product Layout to Anywhere on the layout via a Custom Shortcode · GitHub which seems to be working, however, someone in a comment says that the FLThemeBuilderWooCommerceSingular::before_render_content class does more than just handle the notices, I had a peek into Themer’s files and I can find anything else than the woo notice.

I’ve see that the Woo Notices module is coming in Themer 1.4, however, until them could you guys confirm if the following is safe to use:

 * First, remove WooCommerce Notices box from its default location on the page (somewhere at the top).
remove_filter( 'fl_theme_builder_before_render_content', 'FLThemeBuilderWooCommerceSingular::before_render_content' );

 * Create this shortcode : [fl_woocommerce_notices]
 * You can embed this anywhere on the Themer Layout via the HTML module.
add_shortcode( 'fl_woocommerce_notices', function() {
    if ( function_exists('wc_print_notices') ) {
      <div class="fl-theme-builder-woo-notices fl-row fl-row-fixed-width">
      <?php wc_print_notices(); ?>
  return ob_get_clean();

I’ve tested it on a test website and it seems to be working fine on archive and singular pages, if I add the code provided in the github comment, the above code stops working.
