Woopack product image gallery slider not working


I am working on a website that has BB installed but no theme. I have the following set up for the woocommerce shop page:

Themer Layout Type - Archive
Location - Product Archive

Then I have a Product Grid with the following custom layout. The only thing that I have changed from the default code is replacing the featured image call with the woopack_product_images.

[wpbb-if post:featured_image]

[wpbb post:woocommerce_sale_flash] [wpbb post:woopack_product_images image_size='medium' image_slider='yes' show_sale_badge='no']
[wpbb post:woopack_quick_view_button icon='fas fa-eye' text='Quick View']
<h3 class="woopack-product-title">[wpbb post:link text="title"]</h3>

<div class="woopack-product-rating">
    [wpbb post:woopack_product_rating show_count='yes' text_singular='customer review' text_plural='customer reviews']

<div class="woopack-product-price">
    [wpbb post:woocommerce_product_price]

[wpbb post:woopack_add_to_cart_button qty_input='before_button' variation_fields='no']

<div class="woopack-product-meta">
	[wpbb post:terms_list taxonomy="product_cat" separator=", "]

Basically what I am trying to achieve is a hover function on the product image. I want the first image in the gallery to display when a user hovers their mouse over the product.

Currently, nothing happens except for the featured image displaying.
