Wordpress Hide Page Title plugin conflict

I just started working with beaverbuilder and the YANews theme. I’m using the WP Hide Title plug in, and when I hide the page title, I’m left with a bit of padding above the first row/content module. Is there any way to eliminate that space?

Hey Jonette,

Can you shoot us a link to the site so we can take a look? Have you already adjusted the top row padding to no avail?


I’ve actually zero-ed out all the padding – to no avail. We’re still tweaking the template padding in spots, but here’s the link to the page I’m working on:


Hey Jonette,

The space is caused by the padding from your #post-entry and .post-content elements. Also, the post meta, .post-meta, is being hidden via left: -9999px; which leaves a bit of a space in between as well. These styling are all from your theme.


Thanks, your help is much appreciated!

No worries! Enjoy The Beaver! :slight_smile:
