Wpbb post:excerpt


I’m using the Power content grid and i’m struggling with excerpt length:

I did get that [wpbb post:excerpt length=‘12’ more=’’] is not working with the manual excerpt of the post so I tried to add this function

function custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
	return 12;
add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'custom_excerpt_length', 999 );

And here is my custom grid layout :

[wpbb-if post:featured_image]
<div class="pp-content-grid-post-image">
	[wpbb post:featured_image size="large" display="tag" linked="yes"]

<div class="pp-content-grid-post-text">

<h3 class="pp-content-grid-post-title">[wpbb post:link text="title"]</h3>  

 <!-- <div class="pp-content-grid-post-meta">
	[wpbb post:date format="F j, Y"]
	<span class="pp-content-grid-post-meta-sep"> | </span>
	[wpbb post:terms_list taxonomy="category" separator=", "]
</div> -->

<div class="pp-content-grid-separator"></div> 

<div class="pp-content-grid-post-excerpt">
   [wpbb post:excerpt length='12' more='']


<div class="pp-content-grid-post-more-link">
	<a href="[wpbb post:url]"><span class="fa fa-angle-right"></span> Lire la suite</a>

Does any body have a workaround for this

Try a higher priority, in themer we use 9999 to set the length, so maybe something else is using an even higher priority,

I too am trying to get this to work but with no luck at all. Any ideas BB Team why?? @pross @puneet

Are you maybe using the custom excerpt option on the Edit Post screen? If so, then this is why the excerpt length option isn’t being used.

I’ve used as the OP has, setting the excerpt in the edit post:

function custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {
return 12;
add_filter( ‘excerpt_length’, ‘custom_excerpt_length’, 999 );


<div class="pp-content-grid-post-excerpt">[wpbb post:excerpt length='12' more='']</div>

What should be used?