Embed an external web page into page

Can any one tell me how to embed an external webpage with beaver builder is there a module that will do this?

Kind regards

Hey David,

You can use an iframe tag in an HTML module for this. You can embed an existing external page into your page using an iframe like so

<iframe src="http://www.w3schools.com"></iframe>


Oops! Was probably typing when Jun sent his reply. Removing mine since Jun’s offers the same thing. :slight_smile:


Thank you but I want to have the user to have a clickable link can you give me the additional code in other words “Click here”

Kind regards

Hey David,

If you want a hyperlink and not to actually embed an external page then you need to use the anchor tag a like so

<a href="http://externalsite.com">Click here!</a>

You can add target="_blank" if you need to open it in a new window when clicked.

<a href="http://externalsite.com" target="_blank">Click here!</a>
