Style sheets broken after update

Hey guys, I updated the BB plugin/theme and noticed a few hours later after logging out that it broke my style sheets.

When I updated I cleared the BB plugin cache and my WP Rocket cache. I was sure Rocket was causing issues so I deactivated it but the problem remains. It even seems that the problem comes and goes.

I use Bluehost so there’s no other caching mechanism on my end besides yours and Rocket, and rocket is deactivated.

Here’s a screenshot of my site when it’s broken:

Hey Andrew,

Do you mind sharing the URL of the site in question so we can check?


My bad.

Hey Andrew,

I believe that screenshot you have above is your homepage? I just visited the site and it looks fine on my end. Check the screenshot below for reference.

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It’s probably just because I cleared the BB cache AGAIN. I clear it every few hours to keep my site operational. When I don’t clear it, the site goes back to no style sheets. It happens off and on. Usually I get a text from someone saying the site is down.

Hi Andrew,

When your site breaks again (hope it doesn’t) can you inform us and not clear the BB cache. So we can see the issue first hand.


Alrighty, it broke again. Had a few people text me saying so. It comes and goes, so hopefully you’ll see it if you check it out quickly.

I previously had used the WP Optimize on the site and then saw there was a plugin that was incompatible. Could that be causing the problems?

Hi Andrew,

Unfortunately, I missed the problem again, I apologise for that. As your site appears to be back up and running.

In regards to the plugin compatibility, which plugin was not compatible?

It’s very difficult to diagnose your issue when we can’t see the issue first hand. When this happens again (hopefully it doesn’t). Can you contact our helpdesk immediately with a link to your site and this topic, please.



Ugh. This is getting frustrating.

And I don’t understand your question? I gave you the name of the plugin: WP Optimize. It’s in your own incompatibility page in the Knowledge Base. I used it before I realized it was there. It has since been deleted, but could it be causing these issues with what it did to my database?

Hey Andrew,

Do you remember doing anything to the site before it broke? And did you just clear the BB cache to fix it again? Were there any errors when it happened? Does the site have server side caching set up?

Really sorry about this. Like what Danny said, it’s kinda hard for us to fix an issue we can’t see. Do you think you can set up a copy of the site to a staging URL on the same server so if the issue happens there you can just leave it as is and then we can check?


Hey man, I didn’t do anything to fix it this time. It just fixes itself and seems to be random. Would you be open to like checking my database or I can give you logins to my site and Cpanel? I’ve been having the issue on and off for the past two weeks. I don’t know how much traffic it has cost us. :confused:

Hi Andrew,

Really sorry to hear about your issue. However, if the issue is now fixing itself. I think this sounds like either a server error or caching.

How often is this issue occurring i.e. how many times a day or week?


It’s occurring three or four times a week. I didn’t have the issue until I used that WP Optimize plugin. Is there a way to repair my database?

In addition to the comment above…the site is broken again currently. :confused:

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Hey Andrew,

The site was already back up when I got to it. I just logged in to your site and noticed you have a caching plugin installed. Do you think you can disable that for now and observe the site? It’s either that, or a temporary server outage like what Danny said.

If this was an issue with the DB, then the issue would be permanent, at least that’s my take about it. Let’s go with the above first and see how it goes.


Hey Ben.

It does the same thing whether the caching plugin is on or not. That was one of the first areas I focused. :confused: Worked with WP Rocket support for like a week. They even cloned our site and couldn’t isolate the issue and assured me it wasn’t them.

Can you try this link:

We shared it on our facebook page and without fail it has messed up every time for me.

Hi Andrew,

I’ve just seen the issue and it appears you have a JS error that is coming from a plugin called Series Engine and another related to something called ditty_news_ticker?

Is it possible for you to disable those plugins for a period of time and see if the issue returns.


Hey Andrew,

I took a screenshot of the errors Danny mentioned above. If you check on the right side, there’s no way to check which file it is coming from since it has been cached/minified. It would really help if we could disable WP Rocket so we know which file the error is coming from and work from there.

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I’ve disabled it.